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- Semantic web; Semantic web annotation; search engine; Swoogle; ontology 1
- sEMG Signal 1
- sensor, cross-correlation, echo Signal, CHIRP signal, SL case, TS case 2
- Sentiment Analysis, Logistic regression, Perceptron, Data Preprocessing, Feature Extraction, Tokenizing, Stemming, Tagging, Stemmer, TF-IDF. 1
- Sentiment inspection 1
- Sequence Alignment 1
- Serial communication 1
- Serration, 1
- Servo 1
- Shadhin Banglay 1
- shadow elimination 1
- Shanti sommelon 1
- Shape optimization 1
- Shock absorber 2
- shortest path 1
- Signal and Image Processing 2
- signal conditioning circuit 1
- Signal Processing 2
- similarity analysis, cellular automata, wavelet decomposition, normalized Laplacian pyramid 1
- Simulation 1